Withington Co-operative Eco-house - cills http://withington.coopliving.net/tags/cills en Window meeting http://withington.coopliving.net/blog/window-meeting <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden view-mode-rss"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="content:encoded"> <p>Today was the long-awaited meeting with the window company. Two of them came, spent a good couple of hours on-site discussing the project and taking notes and measurements. They seem genuinely knowledgeable and passionate about their field - sash windows. But when I discussed timeframes with them, they weren&#39;t able to give anything concrete, instead saying they would firm this up by the end of tomorrow.<br />&nbsp;<br />The inter-relationship between the windows, insulation, and the cills is particularly complex on the rear elevation. Speaking of which, I need to finalise and order the replacement cills soon.<br />&nbsp;<br />The joist nearest the front wall in the first floor bathroom was rotten, due to historic water leakage from the bath (note, this is a particular danger in highly-insulated houses!). As this wall is to be internally insulated, I asked the joiner to remove the joist; the floor will be cut back to the depth of the insulation. I think he&#39;s done a really great job of this awkward task:<br />&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;<img height="270" width="480" class="image-style-large media-element file-full image-style-large" typeof="foaf:Image" src="http://withington.coopliving.net/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/joist_removed.jpg?itok=o4NdE4zk" alt="" title="" /><br />&nbsp;<br />Also note the original WC pan connection in the photo, which is made of lead and goes through the wall at a 45-degree angle to the left; this will have to be replaced, again to minimise the risk of water leakage. The soil pipe outside is still the original cast iron, so this will be a particular challenge for me.</p> </div></div></div><section class="field field-name-field-tags field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-inline clearfix view-mode-rss"><h2 class="field-label">Tags:&nbsp;</h2><ul class="field-items"><li class="field-item even"><a href="/tags/windows" typeof="skos:Concept" property="rdfs:label skos:prefLabel" datatype="">windows</a></li><li class="field-item odd"><a href="/tags/cills" typeof="skos:Concept" property="rdfs:label skos:prefLabel" datatype="">cills</a></li><li class="field-item even"><a href="/tags/joists" typeof="skos:Concept" property="rdfs:label skos:prefLabel" datatype="">joists</a></li></ul></section><ul class="links inline"><li class="service-links-facebook first"><a href="http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=http%3A//withington.coopliving.net/blog/window-meeting&amp;t=Window%20meeting" title="Share on Facebook." class="service-links-facebook" rel="nofollow"><img typeof="foaf:Image" class="image-style-none" src="http://withington.coopliving.net/profiles/openoutreach/modules/contrib/service_links/images/facebook.png" alt="Facebook" /></a></li><li class="service-links-twitter last"><a href="http://twitter.com/share?url=http%3A//withington.coopliving.net/blog/window-meeting&amp;text=Window%20meeting" title="Share this on Twitter" class="service-links-twitter" rel="nofollow"><img typeof="foaf:Image" class="image-style-none" src="http://withington.coopliving.net/profiles/openoutreach/modules/contrib/service_links/images/twitter.png" alt="Twitter" /></a></li></ul> Tue, 09 Jul 2013 22:02:37 +0000 Robert 21 at http://withington.coopliving.net http://withington.coopliving.net/blog/window-meeting#comments